Sabtu, 09 Januari 2021

KittieFight - Juego Dapp Blockbuster Ethereum-Cryptokitties en tiempo real

 Sinopsis de KittieFIGHT

Como recordatorio ; kittieFIGHT es un juego Dapp Blockbuster en tiempo real de Ethereum-Cryptokitties. Es un juego Dapp de lucha en tiempo real impulsado por la multitud. KittieFight Tokens y ETH se otorgan a los ganadores de cada sesión de lucha que utiliza personajes de gatitos de lucha personalizados derivados de la plataforma Cryptokitties.

kittieFIGHT está gamificado con un modelo de token económico único que utiliza un suministro limitado con emisiones suprimidas y dinámicas de multitud incentivadas para aumentar cada valor de token necesario para recompensar a los propietarios de tokens no fungibles de Cryptokitties. El kittieFIGHT Dapp también resuelve el problema del exceso de oferta de Cryptokitties a través de la eutanasia / kittie-sink llamado kittieHELL. El efecto de hundimiento de las peleas también sirve para crear demanda de nuevos gatitos en la plataforma Cryptokitties. Los ganadores de las peleas en la plataforma kittieFIGHT pueden intercambiar tokens ganadores para comprar más coleccionables de Cryptokitties.

Cómo funciona KittieFIGHT

1.Gamificado - Participación incentivada

Cada sesión de pelea de kittieFIGHT se financia automáticamente con un "bote de miel / Kittie Nip" de Eth y fichas que se comparte con el ganador de la pelea y los seguidores correspondientes, y una parte se destina a los patrocinadores del proyecto kittieFIGHT real (más sobre esto más adelante). Para mantener el juego interesante, también hay un mecanismo adictivo de guerra de desgaste que mantiene a los seguidores luchando / contribuyendo con tokens y eth a la bolsa de premios, lo que hace que su valor crezca hasta que finalice el juego. El mecanismo de desgaste recompensa al último de los apostadores más altos, con una porción considerable del bote cerca de la participación del ganador de la pelea principal. Una parte mínima del honeypot va para algunos finalistas. Otros seguidores del lado ganador reclaman las entradas de los seguidores del lado perdedor.

2. Renumeración por participación colaborativa

kittieFIGHT en realidad funciona como un juego de torneos de póquer muy gratificante, sin el requisito de habilidad de póquer que es una barrera natural para la entrada en los juegos de póquer normales para los usuarios. En cualquier momento del dapp kittieFIGHT, hay varias sesiones de lucha en curso, cada una financiada con un premio considerable. Al final de cada juego, el ganador de la pelea y los seguidores correspondientes comparten todo el botín. Una parte del honeypot (tokens eth y kittiefight) de cada sesión de pelea se saca y se recicla de nuevo en el fondo de dotación de contrato inteligente kittiefight. Este fondo de dotación mantiene todos los juegos continuamente bien financiados e incentivados. El último grupo de destinatarios en la parte de los honeypots son patrocinadores directos del proyecto, lo que garantiza que todos los participantes y patrocinadores estén bien alineados.

3. Experiencia de juego

Este será el primer juego de este tipo en el mundo de las criptomonedas, donde la audiencia real juega un papel en el resultado de los combates a través de transacciones de ethereum, lo que resulta en una experiencia inmersiva, rica y visual donde las actividades parecen en tiempo real. El incentivo que impulsa las transacciones combinadas de los jugadores es responsable de la simulación visual en tiempo real, donde cualquier retraso en la experiencia visual se compensa con ciclos de lucha inactivos. Las acciones de la audiencia se representan en el fondo del juego, al apoyar a los gatitos mostrando visualmente cuánto creen en su campeón por la cantidad apostada, cada vez que brindan apoyo a su campeón.

4. Dinámicas y roles de lucha

Un combate se programa pagando las tarifas de programación de la pelea en tokens de kittiefight y lo configuran dos tokens de Cryptokitties que tienen jugadores que han acordado luchar en un momento determinado. Los usuarios por primera vez de la plataforma Cryptokitties reciben un pase gratuito / freemium por única vez para programar una pelea sin requerir tarifas de programación. Los fanáticos adquieren boletos (tokens de kittiefight) para la pelea que indican exactamente a quién apoyan. El señuelo / honeypot es un muy buen motivador para la participación de los fanáticos en el juego. El juego luego funciona como un combate de boxeo donde los fanáticos animan a sus respectivos campeones. En este caso, los vítores vienen en forma de efectivo real en forma de tokens yo Eth. Cada acción de un partidario de KittieFigher sirve para desgastar las defensas del luchador oponente. Las defensas son "escalas de rareza de ADN" que se generan a partir de cada "Cattributes" de los combatientes de fichas de Cryptokitties

Las acciones continuas de cada partidario significan que las defensas pueden desgastarse para que el luchador real logre combos efectivos y golpes desmoralizadores, aunque las puntuaciones reales se ocultan hasta el final del juego. La combinación de colaboración jugador-fan no es diferente al tipo de apoyo de los fanáticos que se ve en los combates de boxeo. Esta dinámica será la primera en demostrarse en KittieFIGHT; el primero de su tipo en el espacio blockchain en la plataforma Ethereum que utiliza el Dapp más popular en la plataforma; Cryptokitties.

¿Por qué será enorme?
Esto será grande debido al modelo freemium de costo cero para usuarios nuevos de la plataforma Cryptokitties en combinación con modelos económicos de desgaste, lucha contra la gamificación a través del señuelo honeypot. La experiencia de usuario inmersiva para los amantes de los gatos en todo el mundo y los poseedores de NFT en la plataforma Cryptokitties también es un factor crítico en la adopción del usuario. Esta combinación de personajes novedosos de gatos peleadores con recompensas económicas, podría potencialmente rivalizar o ser más grande que el mercado de juegos de póquer en línea, considerando la curva de aprendizaje más baja que tiene KittieFight que el póquer. Debajo, kittieFIGHT es una fusión de varios conceptos económicos con los mecanismos del juego para proporcionar un crecimiento de valor para una economía de token de kittieFIGHT de utilidad, así como proporcionar recompensas en forma de Eth / Ether puro similar a cómo funcionan las mesas de póquer con pagos / tarifas, con las siguientes ventajas:

Atracción masiva para los fanáticos de los gatos en Internet.
Base de usuarios integrada de la plataforma Cryptokitties disponible para KittieFIGHT.
Menor barrera de entrada para usuarios con alta probabilidad de recompensas económicas.
Varias sesiones de lucha con premios crecientes
Incentivo creciente para la participación de los jugadores en todas las etapas del juego
En la economía de tokens de KittieFIGHT hay un total de 100 millones de tokens de utilidad que nunca cambiarán en número. Se supone que el valor de cada token aumentará con el crecimiento en el uso o la utilidad del token KittieFIGHT en los pagos de tarifas, es decir, para programar la pelea, comprar boletos para la pelea, apoyar y canjear a los gatos perdidos. Las tarifas de programación de peleas, los boletos y el ajuste de las tarifas de canje de kittie entrarán en vigencia con un crecimiento significativo en la utilidad y el valor posterior de los tokens de KittieFIGHT

Actualizaciones de desarrollo
Hay varias necesidades de valoración para determinar el nivel de pago de servicios públicos en cualquier estado del juego y también para la financiación de incentivos generales, que son:

1. determinar el valor de cada recompensa simbólica otorgada a los ganadores de la pelea
2. Valor de cuantificación de tarifas de programación de peleas, multas de pelea y canje de gatitos desde Kittiehell.
3. y por último ; El fondo de contrato inteligente de dotación de kittiefight en el que todas las peleas programadas y elegibles se extraen automáticamente para financiar el mecanismo de incentivos detrás del "bote de miel / Kittie Nip".

Resumen y qué sigue:
Debido a estas necesidades, se agregan más tareas a nuestra hoja de ruta de desarrollo, por lo que tanto kittieFIGHT como su spin-off “FightBattles” avanzarán en noviembre, con las pruebas Beta que comenzarán en OCT (ver actualización en el sitio). Estamos casi listos para el lanzamiento de este éxito de taquilla de Dapp. Gracias a todos aquellos seguidores que han esperado pacientemente. Realmente lo apreciamos y estamos dedicados a hacer que valga la pena la espera.

Fight-paper: documentación de la mecánica del juego
Demostración: Vea KittieFIGHT en acción.
Subasta holandesa: para cuantificar la valoración de tokens, la cuantificación de tarifas y recompensas para luchar contra los ganadores
Pruebas beta (octubre)

Conozca más sobre nuestro proyecto:

Autor: assyfa
ETH: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d

Jumat, 08 Januari 2021

BNXFINEX - The world's largest crypto for everyone


BNXFINEX - the world's largest crypto for everyone

Bnxfinex offers investors a friendly and easy-to-use trading platform with various products programmed by Bnxfinex on multiple devices to help customers trade anytime, anywhere. 

The experts who work with Bnxfinex are those with knowledge of the market, customer psychology, and on a mission to bring Bnxfinex products to more than 100 countries around the world. Exchange, has a strong support team with many customers around the world.

About BNX Finex?

Finex Bnx exchange is supported on all ERC, TRC, BNB… .etc Tokens. And it supports great partners. Easy-to-understand exchange interface. BNX exchange FINEX provides great security and Authaticatiom 2FA Available and so many security features available on bnx exchange. The largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world One of the main features is that the exchange is very, very smooth and easy to use. Any time

Diposit or Withdrawal Any action of an instant Received Notification at your Registered email address or Register mobile number. Important kyc is any type of token Diposit or withdrawal of kyc is easy to send and verify within hours. The best Bnx Finex exchange team is available 24/7. Support is available on Chat or email to contact us. And your problem solving in a very short time to be resolved and new members Check our own service, available one token BNX token is the best token the price of this token is listed in the best price the supply is very good

The mission of the BNX FINEX Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform

is to open up the cryptocurrency market for everyone with an interesting variety of products and services. As a trustworthy company, we are driving blockchain adoption and offering a safe and easy way to take part in the future of financial markets. The BNX Token blockchain platform is all designed with a unique set of features that make it outstanding for its users and crypto (digital) currency traders, etc.

BNX FINEX is an advanced decentralized exchange in 4 main aspects:

- Usability

- Security

- Crosschain

- Dapp

FINEX Exchange's BNX platform is faster and deposit and withdrawal methods are easier:

Especially in developing countries, there is an inherent need for easy deposit and withdrawal services. Using BNX Coin, Powered by Blockchain, and a combination of local deposits and other smart payment systems, deposits and withdrawals have never been easier. It is safe, protected, traceable and completely transparent. BNX FINEX Exchange Coin Project, Platform and Website are provided without any warranty, either expressed or implied. And the Platform will be available 100% of the time to meet your needs.

BNX tokens

The BNX token is developed based on the ERC20 standard belonging to the Ethereum network.

- Token Name: BNX Token

- Symbol: BNX

- Total Volume: 12,000,000

BNX tokens will be distributed to followers:

- Marketing: 2,000,000

- Savings: 3,000,000

- Community Fund: 3,000,000

- Foundation Fund: 4,000,000

FINEX BNX exchange roadmap


BNX FINEX is one of the results of the development of blockchain technology which has experienced good performance and excellent ideas based on a system that directly opens opportunities for investors to be more open to symbolic investment. 

BNX is the most complete investment ecosystem operating in the Block. Being one of the first platforms to be produced, this company wants to realize and help investors to be more concerned about the economic weaknesses suffered by many in the world in the concept of mutual cooperation as an investment that can be exchanged with registered users on this blockchain.

For more information, you can see it below:








Bitcointalk Username: assyfa

Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1348503

Rabu, 06 Januari 2021


 How are all of this, ay will explain something good, namely MY IDENTITY Coins,

Please look further on the website and read my article below, ok?

What is OK GLOBAL? They are cryptocurrency exchanges that aim to provide services to investors in a nontraditional way. With other cryptocurrencies, trading values are dependent on real-time or theoretical market news. OKGlobal coins have an increasing raw cash * forfeit value and are used in routine daily purchases and financial services

Forfeit cash value is the basic collateral value of the coin in the event of a full sell of the coin in the speculation / trading market.

It is the norm for BANKS and other financial institutions to use public money for investment and loans. Fortunately, blockchain technology violates this norm and together with OKGlobal Coin SWITCH investment returns to investors.

OKGlobal Coin SWITCH aims to be the future of global payments and individual currency management. They work to provide solutions to some common problems that customers face.


Problem 1.1 Each year a customer spends Trillions of dollars on card payments, usually the fees are 1% to 3% including the fee per transaction of 0.05-.25 cents. Many businesses only get minimal profit margins, and the problem is that they are making a profit. In some cases the Consumer is asked to pay an additional fee or spend the minimum amount on the card.

SOLUTION: OKGlobal has no per transaction fee and only 0.1% fee. 1 / 10th to 1/30 of the current percentage rate with ZERO per transaction fee could potentially save US consumers and businesses alone billions per year in fees.

Problem 1.2 The trader has to wait at least three working days for the funds to be deposited in his account. This delay stops the use of funds for daily expenses

SOLUTION: "Funds are instantly available in OKGlobal coins or local fiat to merchant accounts."

Problem 1.3 Telephone lines and card machines are a must for merchants to process payments.

SOLUTION: "OKGlobal has no equipment, no minimum monthly fees. Payments will be processed immediately via the customer's free phone application via the SWITCH platform.

MY IDENTITY Coin is used to generate OkGlobal Coins codes with information that can identify the owner. You should know, MYID Coin is an ethereum erc20 token but will migrate to its own unique block due to ethereum functionality limits. The reason for choosing ethereum as the first was to launch MYID Coin ICO and ensure compatibility with trading platforms and ease of access for the general public to participate in the ICO offering. MYID coin will operate in an algorithmic mesh with OkGlobal Coin and can be used for other blockchain assets. As a breakdown, 40% will be reserved for the team and campaign participants. The remaining 60% will be offered for sale to the public. Proceeds from the ICO and future sales will be used to create and secure the technology and platform for MYID Coin.

MY IDENTITY (utility) coins, MYID,
They are part of the OK GLOBAL Money project and are one of the utilities provided by OK Global. They are the first to use tagging / wrapping technology that will prevent loss and theft of funds.
The main purpose of using this marking / wrapping technology is to reduce the risk of loss and theft and ultimately eliminate it.
CRYPTOCURRENCY the term is still very scary to most people. There is always flashing news about crypto scams and people facing heavy losses. The irony of this field is that fraud occurs and continues to occur like any other money fraud around the world.

OK GLOBAL aims to encourage people to go ahead and invest without fear of losing or stealing their funds.
MY IDENTITY The coins are created using the etherum ecro20 blockchain, this allows easy access on various trading and financing platforms. Coins can be migrated using a unique blockchain code.
There is a total volume of 100 billion ethereum (erc20) MY ID Coins available.

It seems that another cryptocurrency has been introduced and promises to be unique, but with the OK GLOBAL Money project, it is not wrong to say that the MY IDENTITY (utility) coin, MYID, not only makes a safe investment but also comes from a platform with minimal fees and more transactions. easy.

  • MYID ERC20 Contract Address: 0xbee571a0a8599ada125e1a33e56287c3c594a5e2
  • 1 ETH = 500,000 COINS DURING ICO
  • Hard Cap: 50,000 ETH = 25 billion MYID coins
  • Total Volume: 100 billion (ERC20) MY IDENTITY Coins
  • Launch Date: 27 December 2020 Launch Date
  • ICO Duration: 60 days
There are other cryptocurrency exchanges that make it possible to buy MYID coins. Such as Indoex, VinDAX, Tokpie, and ChainX. Indoex is the top exchange with an average daily volume of over 1 billion USD between CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.
We also chose a small volume exchange, Tokpie, because of its unique exchange benefits for its members.
ChainX was chosen because of its focus on market growth in South Korea. South Korea has had great success in terms of fast cryptocurrency adoption.

Official Resource Web -

Author: assyfa
My eth: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d

Selasa, 05 Januari 2021

Introducing the BetFury Gaming Platform


Hello everyone, here I will explain an innovation that is very reliable..


Enjoy the best gaming entertainment with the following advantages: BTC, TRX, USDT, BTT daily payments, VIP Rank system, Cashback up to 25%. It's easy to make profits on BetFury - just play and multiply BFG tokens.

Playing games has never been this much fun. BetFury has a variety of great games for you: In-house, Slots, Table & Live Games.

Get back up to 25%! The cashback value depends on the Rank. Play on the best terms, get coins back and improve your skills!

The most active players deserve big prizes! Get Jackpots in Games and In-house Slots. Get a taste of fame with BetFury.

BetFury is a unique global game and mining platform built using multiple smart contract systems, presenting all parts of the gaming industry ecosystem where all players, developers, traders and community games can get the fair, transparent and fair rewards they get in Tokens BFG which can be easily exchanged on the open market. The ecosystem built around the gaming process can be broadcast using the Gaming Streaming platform, as well as a marketplace for gaming platforms as well as platforms for mining and staking in-game items. The Game Developer Market receives a share of the transaction and betting fees.

The BetFury token (BFG) is a utility token based on the TRC-20 smart contract for profit sharing and a healthy gaming environment at BetFury. For any bet, the BFG token is automatically added to the game balance. By staking BFG tokens, everyone can receive a portion of the daily reward.


By Staking BFG tokens, everyone can receive daily payments. Distribution depends on the sub-token

BFG is available to play games in In-house games. You can make bids in the Auction using BFG and win cryptocurrency

BetFury has a lot of features. Mine more BFG tokens and get increased cashback, bonuses and other benefits.

BFG tokens will soon become assets for traders who will be able to buy and sell tokens.

These days, you can instantly buy anything with cryptocurrency - from BetFury working to become a top of the line supercar. However, when deciding to shop for groceries or buy a latte at your favorite cafe, it's great for old fiat currency. Cryptocurrency offers an unprecedented level of security and protection when it comes to storing and transferring value. The disintermediation of traditional financial infrastructure and decentralized service delivery has helped millions of people around the world by providing access to transparent banking services. What if there was a payment solution that offered cryptocurrency privacy and security to users while maintaining the liquidity they used with cash? What if there was a solution that would allow users to spend cryptocurrency as easily as cash with the need to juggle multiple wallets or use third-party services to change it? What if the solution is as simple as swiping a card? Well, the solution is him - with BFG Token.

BetFury Mining system features

The industry has grown over the years, from a console-based platform in the 1980s, to a web-based platform with access to Internet bandwidth. Even since the advent of high-bandwidth internet, simple online games have become digital games and now have a large share in the industry, which is estimated to have generated $ 2 billion in revenue in just a year. Like gaming hardware, computer game systems, and other devices, we found that the industry generated $ 2 billion in revenue last year, which is three times the total reported film industry. What matters is the potential that exists in the industry. One such potential is the processing power of gaming computers, which can be used as tools for cryptocurrency mining. This is where the BetFury project idea emerged.

BetFury uses the processing power of the gaming computer to digital currency during system unemployment. The BetFury software runs in a Windows background, while in unemployment it uses your computer's powerful graphics processor to mine digital currency. In a sense, when we are all off the keyboard, our computers work for us and you get rewarded for it. In the next article we will briefly introduce this project. For those who are not familiar with cryptocurrency mining, we will briefly introduce cryptocurrency mining in the next section.

Multiple winners, huge number of prizes, various games, different duration, cool odds. Meet the Battle at BetFury and let's compete for cool prizes! Show how great you are as a player in Battle with other players and claim the biggest win!
Join the preferred battles under any In-house game window.

  • Register at BetFury
  • Find the Battle you wish to participate in below
  • In-house game window.
  • Play at full speed to win.
  • Enjoy the glory
length - from 3 to 7 days to 1 BTC prize pool
Middle - from 1 to 3 days up to 0.5 BTC prize pool
Short - from 1 to 24 hours up to 0.1 BTC prize pool

So, today I will tell you about the BetFury gambling platform, about the uniqueness of the platform, about the advantages of the platform, and in general I will tell you what BetFury is and how to bet, withdraw, place bets on the game, and mine and stake tokens. BFG.
What is BetFury and how does it work?
BetFury is a crypto gaming platform that has gained popularity in just six months. BetFury also set a very big goal for themselves - to become the best online gaming platform. And for that they are doing their best to improve the game, service etc.
Apart from that, BetFury has a unique token burning feature. This is a standalone game called AUCTION. You place a bet in BFG tokens and accept cryptocurrency.
The platform itself has many types of tokens for betting, such as: TRX, USDT, BTT, BFG, SUN, BTC + dividend pool. But BetFury doesn't want to stop there and will expand the reach of the token in the future.

CASHBACK up to 25%
The main feature of BetFury is the Cashback system. This is a unique feature of betfusr for the Tron i-Gaming platform. Cashback is available to all users and can be received twice a week. The money back is accumulated automatically depending on the amount the individual user loses per week. Users can receive up to 25% of the funds lost in one gaming session.

EVERY HOUR Every hour the most active users on BetFury are awarded a special Hourly bonus. The more you play, the more opportunities for you to receive extra bonuses every hour. The user is placed according to the amount staked for 1 hour.

Players have the opportunity to win the Jackpot while placing bets on each internal play. We have developed a unique mechanism for each. Follow us to learn more in further posts.

To make the gaming process more challenging, Betfury implemented an Achievement system. Achievements are trophies of play that players can receive by completing various goals throughout their journey at BetFury. The achievements are saved in the Profile section. Players can also view each other's recent Achievements in the Ranking.

To make the game process more interesting and challenging, Betfury implemented daily tasks. Daily tasks related to gaming activities in various games and users will be rewarded with additional coins by completing them.

In my opinion, Betfury is not just an online betting platform with proven fair features. However, Betfury also provides a number of advantages as I mentioned above and maybe more than that because it is only what I know.
To be sure, you have to try it...

The BetFury platform implements the BFG token which is the platform's native token. It serves as a utility token for Revenue Sharing and generating revenue. Users who hold and stake their BFG tokens get daily passive income in the form of Dividends. You don't need to lift anything, all you have to do to fulfill this condition is earn BFG tokens and stake them on Smart Contracts. This will allow users to earn daily dividends based on their holdings volume. The Staking model adopted by BetFury allows BFG tokens to maintain high value because everyone always wants to invest them rather than sell them. Currently, the total BFG token holders are 57236 while the total BFG staked is 1 635 829 908. Users who stake their BFG tokens receive a portion of the profit generated from the platform. As previously mentioned,

Blockchain based games implements Smart Contracts for the governance of the platform transactions .Gaming transactions are administered by Smart Contracts. Payments are also executed by the Smart Contracts. All records of transaction executed by the Smart Contract are recorded in the Blockchain which will publicly accessible by everyone . I am trying to educate my readers to enable them realized playing Games or investing in Blockchain based Gaming platform is very transparent and worthwhile.
good luck.....