Before money was invented, people used the swap method to sell their product and get something else. A farmer in need of wheat could meet this need by giving barley to another farmer. With the arrival of the Middle Ages, travelers began to make way for overseas countries. They went to continents like Africa and started to trade their goods such as leather and fabric with gold and precious metals. In these examples where the swap method has been used successfully, people have gained beautiful profits from this trade. However, a constant value was needed over time to exchange values. In order to respond to this need, coins entered our lives.
In the early times, these coins made of precious metals turned into worthless pieces of paper because people cut and sold corners of money. Regardless of the name, traditional money systems are designed and planned to find solutions to mutual exchange.Today, applications such as Airbnb and Uber have become examples of the exchange system and the sharing economy. These applications are the systems where the person who needs any service and the service owner come together and combine to find solutions.
Come to You can exchange your services, goods and even your dreams, your home. Sharemeall works on very basic and simple principles, namely the principle of exchange and eSwitch® cryptocurrency money.
eSwitch® is a cryptocurrency that allows users to communicate with a high level of trust based on the website created by Easy Free. Each exchange through the platform will be secured and stored by the eSwitch® block chain.
Easy Free plans to create an internet platform and cellular platform to use and store eSwitch® tokens. The shared platform with eSwitch® tokens will link user accounts so users can share goods and services.

About services at
If you are a smart, talented person, you can share it on You can register on the website and share your expertise for everyone. You will receive remuneration through eSwitch® tokens. When a transaction occurs between two users, the token will be transferred completely automatically and completely safe. This feature I really like on the Sharemeall platform. When you use this platform, you can also exchange knowledge, skills and services with others through eSwitch® tokens. You can also exchange eSwitch® tokens through Euros or Dollars and transfer them to your bank account according to the daily transaction rate.

Regarding the items I found Easy company has a very good idea, they not only provide services to the community but they can also sell or share their belongings. Especially used goods. Goods will be optimized, goods will be optimized to be used through the "share" function based on sharemeall. You only share and get profit while the item is still yours.
The "sharing" function will play an important role, and is the core value of the sharing ecosystem created by Easy Free.

About accommodation
If the "share" function is the core value of the project, the idea of "I will sleep at your place" is the inspiration of this project. Through eSwitch® tokens you can meet community members, you will arrange or be given short-term vacations in cities around the world. This way you will increase your knowledge, explore cultures throughout the world, and enhance your own values.
What will you know about Sharemeall industry 4.0?
Everyone knows little about cryptocurrency, except Bitcoin. Easy Free wants to make cryptocurrency more accessible, allowing simple daily use on their platforms. You can also transfer this eSwitch® to the e-wallet to convert it to another cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin. To do this, Shareameall will build bridges between client accounts on the website and various existing portfolios: Coinbase, Binance, Jaxx, Coinomi, MyEtherWallet.
Very simple, no investment is needed; You only need to share your services, knowledge, skills, accommodations at Sharemeall and you will receive eSwitch® tokens. With the Sharemall platform, the world of cryptocurrency will be very simple, you just need to share what you have.

Sharemeall is a world without distance
Admittedly, technological advancements have helped many people, but also created huge gaps among people. Young people today spend a lot of time with their cellphones on Facebook, Twitter, linkedin, ... they lose the ability to interact with each other, rarely face to face. Sharemeall's desire to create the platform, is to bring a world of communities that truly enables its members to work together in a concern, collectively, to share their experiences in the real world.
Author: assyfa
My eth address: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d
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