Senin, 25 Maret 2019

VeryFile - Memecahkan masalah saat ini untuk menyimpan dokumen rahasia

Hari ini kita akan berbicara tentang jaringan BestFile Worldwide Blockchain untuk manajemen file rahasia.

Kontrak intelektual khusus menghilangkan batas-batas nasional dan mengikat perusahaan di seluruh dunia.

Sekarang mudah untuk menggandakan atau mencetak dokumen dan kehilangan salinan yang dicetak. Berbahaya mentransfernya melalui server cloud yang tidak dilindungi jika itu adalah salinan rahasia. Faktanya, transfer file tidak dicatat dan tidak direkam, sehingga tidak ada cara untuk menghukum dan mencegah penipuan. Layanan yang sangatfile meliputi pelacakan, penyimpanan dan pemantauan file dan dokumen yang sensitif, akses data dan risiko pembayaran. Kami berusaha untuk mengintegrasikan teknologi kami ke perusahaan yang sudah ada, ini akan membuat perusahaan benar-benar efisien, transparan, dan dapat diandalkan

“Misi kami adalah menggunakan kekuatan blockchine konstan untuk menyediakan layanan virtual

infrastruktur untuk perusahaan dan individu yang sampai batas tertentu

sangat bisa diandalkan. "

Waroom VeryFile

Keunggulan kompetitif

Kami dengan bangga mempersembahkan sistem berbasis rantai blok VeryFile untuk mengelola dokumen dan data sensitif. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menyimpan file melalui penyimpanan cloud terdesentralisasi dan mengelolanya menggunakan antarmuka pengguna yang disederhanakan. Saya akan menyembunyikan jaminan penggunaan intuitif dan kemampuan untuk melacak setiap transfer, kepemilikan, verifikasi, dan tanda tangan dokumentasi klien melalui buku yang didesentralisasi dan terenkripsi. Selain itu, jaringan kontrak cerdas memastikan kemampuan untuk mengotomatisasi proses pembuatan, mentransfer file yang relevan, dan melakukan prosedur perusahaan dan tugas sehari-hari.


Kami menggabungkan teknologi blockchain untuk memberikan pengidentifikasi unik untuk setiap node dan menyimpan repositori dokumen dan data. Transparan dan dapat diandalkan


Kontrak pintar menggunakan kode perangkat lunak untuk mengotomatisasi tugas-tugas yang biasanya dilakukan secara manual. Mereka dapat meningkatkan kecepatan berbagai proses bisnis.


Sistem yang efisien dan terdesentralisasi mencakup semua sudut dan menawarkan reservoir terbaik untuk perlindungan data untuk buku umum yang tidak berubah.


VeryFile tidak akan memiliki informasi pribadi pengguna dan memastikan kerahasiaan maksimum setiap dokumen.

Produk minimum yang layak

Jika soft cap tercapai di akhir ICO, MVP blok rantai dilepaskan dengan fungsi dasar sistem VeryFile di masa depan. Selain mengotomatisasi proses melalui kontrak cerdas, Anda dapat mengunduh, mengelola, memantau, dan mengontrol file menggunakan blockchain yang disiarkan di antara jaringan pengguna pribadi.


Veryfile adalah sistem berbasis blockchain untuk mengelola dokumen dan data sensitif. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menyimpan file melalui penyimpanan cloud terdesentralisasi dan mengelolanya menggunakan antarmuka pengguna yang disederhanakan. Ini memastikan penggunaan intuitif dan kemampuan untuk melacak setiap transfer, kepemilikan, verifikasi, dan tanda tangan dokumentasi klien melalui buku yang didesentralisasi dan terenkripsi.

Selain itu, jaringan kontrak cerdas menjamin kemungkinan mengotomatiskan proses pembuatan, mentransfer file, serta menyelesaikan prosedur perusahaan dan tugas sehari-hari.

Aplikasi iOS

File akan diunduh, dikelola, dilacak dan dipantau menggunakan blockchain yang disiarkan di antara jaringan pengguna pribadi di samping proses otomatisasi melalui kontrak cerdas. Profil pribadi dan

Wallet akan tersedia bagi pengguna tempat mereka dapat memeriksa dan mentransfer penanda VER.


Nama Tag: VERY Token

Simbol: VER

Standar Token: Ethereum erc20

Harga VER: USD 0,20

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut:

Penulis: assyfa
Eth: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d

Digitalbits - Рынок обмена электронных денег


Родились электронные деньги, которые заставили многое начать меняться, старомодное мышление начало меняться. Процессы взаимодействия людей по поводу их отношений и других деловых и финансовых отношений начинают меняться. Люди начинают общаться напрямую друг с другом, не считая предыдущих дополнительных расходов в присутствии других сторон и третьих лиц. Теперь все стало намного проще.

Помимо положительных моментов, мир электронных денег по-прежнему имеет много негативных рисков, в том числе десятки тысяч экспертов, работающих каждый день. Первая проблема, вероятно, является одной из наиболее распространенных проблем - отсутствие инфраструктуры электронных денег будет способствовать быстрому и качественному обмену цифровыми активами. Многие люди теперь понимают, что обмен электронных денег стал более чем несколько лет назад. Однако они не могут справиться с огромной нагрузкой из-за растущего спроса. Но то, что нам всем всегда нужно, - это действительно хорошая, уважаемая и очень эффективная точка транзакции. Правильно, приятно осознавать, что такое решение готово к тому, чтобы распространить информацию о рынке на публику. Это DigitalBits

На самом деле DigitalBits - это рынок обмена электронных денег, уровень протокола Blockchain, предназначенный для обеспечения большой ликвидности рынка для различных цифровых активов и интеграции с существующими приложениями. способствовать внедрению технологии Blockchain на массовом рынке. Так что же особенного в DigitalBits?

В центре внимания всей системы - сильная команда с богатым практическим опытом работы с электронными деньгами, главной задачей которой является создание идеальной финансовой среды для всех трейдеров. , инвесторы и обычные пользователи. Чтобы добиться этого, их команда решает проблемы использования и применения в основном путем поддержки проекта DigitalBits с открытым исходным кодом, предоставляя инфраструктуру, ресурсы для развития, мероприятия и образование. Цель Фонда - увидеть, как блокчейн DigitalBits поможет решить проблемы мобильности, безопасности и ликвидности с рядом цифровых активов, таких как программа Loyalty и Awards, и поможет создать дополнительную ценность для потребителей, предприятий и некоторых благотворительных организаций.

Особенности проекта

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Сеть DigitalBits включает в себя объекты, которые выполняют разные, но бесплатные роли для поддержания работоспособности сети. Основную роль должны играть кнопки, которые запускают программное обеспечение на основе блокчейна DigitalBits и соединяются друг с другом. Эти кнопки хорошо поддерживаются узлами предоставления услуг, такими как проверка соответствия, сопоставление и API RESTful. Кроме того, API, SDK и кошелек, предоставляемые DigitalBits, позволяют компаниям и разработчикам легко разрабатывать и развертывать свои собственные приложения и кошельки.

Более того, именно платформа DigitalBits создается результатами коллективного труда, то есть составляется мнение коллектива и не только мнение действующих экспертов, но и положительные отзывы их клиентов. Их клиенты могут выражать свои интересы и желания и давать рекомендации о том, что для них важно и как они хотят видеть свою идеальную платформу для обмена. Вот как DigitalBits создал его исключительно для своих клиентов.

Преимущества при участии в проекте

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Сеть DigitalBits с блокчейном предназначена для всех. Любой может создавать цифровые активы (также известные как цифровые токены), которые можно переносить / передавать в этой децентрализованной сети. Когда предприятия шифруют свои баллы лояльности в этой сети, потребители получают баллы в виде цифрового токена.

Пользователи могут напрямую иметь дело с этими различными цифровыми токенами (например, токен B токена B) непосредственно в цепочке вместе с оригинальным цифровым активом блокчейна, который тщательно называется цифровым алгоритмом Дрейка или XDB. Децентрализованная сеть DigitalBits не требует от централизованных посредников взимать слишком высокую плату. Перевод занимает всего несколько секунд и требует только номинальную плату.

Подробный токен

Как и другие токены, DigitalBits также имеет свой собственный токен, который пользователи могут выполнять различные типы процессов обмена и транзакций. Сам токен разработан на основе стандартов DEX и технологии Multi-hop - XDB. Общее количество выпущенных токенов составляет 10 миллиардов токенов. с целью до 4 миллионов долларов

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автор: assyfa
ETH: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d

Digitalbits dengan LRP

Teknologi Blockchain, juga disebut sebagai sistem buku besar terdistribusi, paling dikenal karena menyediakan fondasi cryptocurrency peer-to-peer (P2P) dan sistem pembayaran Bitcoin, tetapi saat ini ada berbagai platform berbeda di luar sana. Dalam konteks program LRP (Loyalitas dan Poin Hadiah), blockchain memiliki potensi untuk memungkinkan platform yang dapat dioperasikan dan holistik untuk generasi berikutnya dari program loyalitas. LRP berbasis Blockchain dapat dengan mudah ditransfer dan ditebus - bahkan di seluruh bisnis atau layanan lain. Selain itu, LRP menjadi dipertukarkan dan dapat ditukar dengan poin loyalitas lainnya atau bahkan mata uang fiat. Solusi berbasis blockchain secara signifikan mengurangi biaya pengembangan, integrasi, rekonsiliasi, dan keamanan untuk penyedia program.


Baru-baru ini, hampir selusin perusahaan mengumumkan solusi mereka untuk meluncurkan program LRP berbasis blockchain untuk mendorong keterlibatan pelanggan. Namun, kebanyakan dari mereka hanya menerjemahkan program LRP lama ke dalam solusi berbasis blockchain dengan silo data yang terpisah dan kurangnya interoperabilitas. Yang lain dibangun di atas blockchain generasi pertama, seperti Bitcoin dan karenanya, mengalami kerugian teknologi seperti biaya transaksi yang tinggi, bahasa penulisan yang terbatas atau skalabilitas yang hilang. Likuiditas tinggi menghasilkan peningkatan signifikan dalam jumlah transaksi yang perlu dilakukan setiap hari. Mereka harus lebih lanjut memperhitungkan bahwa mungkin ada lonjakan jumlah transaksi pada siang hari, berdasarkan pola perilaku konsumen. Sebagian besar transaksi diharapkan dilakukan secara online. Infrastruktur mereka harus ditingkatkan untuk memenuhi tuntutan ini. Sistem berbasis cloud menarik, namun, di samping biaya yang besar, ini membutuhkan keahlian internal dalam pemeliharaan, penskalaan dinamis, dan keamanan.


Sebaliknya, kami membayangkan solusi yang tidak hanya terbatas untuk memudahkan pembuatan, transfer, dan pertukaran LRP pada blockchain, tetapi juga menawarkan platform yang mudah digunakan yang memungkinkan tokenisasi semua jenis aset hanya dengan mengklik sebuah tombol. Ini, sebagai hasilnya, mendorong adopsi pasar massal teknologi blockchain.

Penulis: assyfa
Eth: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d

Minggu, 17 Maret 2019

ShareMeAll world without distance

Before money was invented, people used the swap method to sell their product and get something else. A farmer in need of wheat could meet this need by giving barley to another farmer. With the arrival of the Middle Ages, travelers began to make way for overseas countries. They went to continents like Africa and started to trade their goods such as leather and fabric with gold and precious metals. In these examples where the swap method has been used successfully, people have gained beautiful profits from this trade. However, a constant value was needed over time to exchange values. In order to respond to this need, coins entered our lives.

In the early times, these coins made of precious metals turned into worthless pieces of paper because people cut and sold corners of money. Regardless of the name, traditional money systems are designed and planned to find solutions to mutual exchange.Today, applications such as Airbnb and Uber have become examples of the exchange system and the sharing economy. These applications are the systems where the person who needs any service and the service owner come together and combine to find solutions.

Come to You can exchange your services, goods and even your dreams, your home. Sharemeall works on very basic and simple principles, namely the principle of exchange and eSwitch® cryptocurrency money.
eSwitch® is a cryptocurrency that allows users to communicate with a high level of trust based on the website created by Easy Free. Each exchange through the platform will be secured and stored by the eSwitch® block chain.
Easy Free plans to create an internet platform and cellular platform to use and store eSwitch® tokens. The shared platform with eSwitch® tokens will link user accounts so users can share goods and services.


About services at

If you are a smart, talented person, you can share it on You can register on the website and share your expertise for everyone. You will receive remuneration through eSwitch® tokens. When a transaction occurs between two users, the token will be transferred completely automatically and completely safe. This feature I really like on the Sharemeall platform. When you use this platform, you can also exchange knowledge, skills and services with others through eSwitch® tokens. You can also exchange eSwitch® tokens through Euros or Dollars and transfer them to your bank account according to the daily transaction rate.


Regarding the items I found Easy company has a very good idea, they not only provide services to the community but they can also sell or share their belongings. Especially used goods. Goods will be optimized, goods will be optimized to be used through the "share" function based on sharemeall. You only share and get profit while the item is still yours.
The "sharing" function will play an important role, and is the core value of the sharing ecosystem created by Easy Free.


About accommodation

If the "share" function is the core value of the project, the idea of ​​"I will sleep at your place" is the inspiration of this project. Through eSwitch® tokens you can meet community members, you will arrange or be given short-term vacations in cities around the world. This way you will increase your knowledge, explore cultures throughout the world, and enhance your own values.

What will you know about Sharemeall industry 4.0?

Everyone knows little about cryptocurrency, except Bitcoin. Easy Free wants to make cryptocurrency more accessible, allowing simple daily use on their platforms. You can also transfer this eSwitch® to the e-wallet to convert it to another cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin. To do this, Shareameall will build bridges between client accounts on the website and various existing portfolios: Coinbase, Binance, Jaxx, Coinomi, MyEtherWallet.
Very simple, no investment is needed; You only need to share your services, knowledge, skills, accommodations at Sharemeall and you will receive eSwitch® tokens. With the Sharemall platform, the world of cryptocurrency will be very simple, you just need to share what you have.


Sharemeall is a world without distance

Admittedly, technological advancements have helped many people, but also created huge gaps among people. Young people today spend a lot of time with their cellphones on Facebook, Twitter, linkedin, ... they lose the ability to interact with each other, rarely face to face. Sharemeall's desire to create the platform, is to bring a world of communities that truly enables its members to work together in a concern, collectively, to share their experiences in the real world.

Author: assyfa
My eth address: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d

ShareMeAll ICO

Apa itu ShareMeAll?

Tim ShareMeAll, terinspirasi oleh ekonomi berbagi pamungkas, telah mengambil tindakan untuk membangun sistem jenis pertama yang dapat ditukar orang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bersama mereka. Dengan sistem ShareMeAll, pengguna dapat memperoleh apa saja di tangan token eSwitch dengan menukar kemampuan mereka dengan pengguna lain. Pengguna kemudian dapat menggunakan token ini untuk membeli sendiri layanan.

Fitur Platform ShareMeAll

Semua pengguna bebas memangkas harga untuk layanan yang mereka berikan. Pengguna yang tidak begitu token eSwitch untuk menerima layanan di tangan mereka dapat menghilangkan kekurangan ini dengan menyediakan pertukaran saham atau jenis layanan lainnya .ShareMeAll tidak hanya memungkinkan pengguna tetapi juga perusahaan untuk mengikuti sistem ini. Perusahaan dapat menghasilkan pendapatan dengan menjual barang apa pun secara langsung di platform ShareMeAll. Mereka dapat membeli bahan baku dari pemasok lain untuk penghasilan mereka. Sistem ini, yang mendukung dan memberi penghargaan aplikasi pihak ketiga yang akan mendukung sistem ShareMeAll, bertujuan untuk memberikan layanan yang lebih baik kepada pengguna. Misalnya, setiap perusahaan asuransi menjual layanan asuransi ke platform dan dapat menghasilkan pendapatan dengan imbalan pertukaran yang dijamin. Platform ini, yang memungkinkan pengembang untuk melakukan aktivitas dan desain mereka, dirancang sebagai sumber terbuka. Pengembang dapat merancang aplikasi mereka sendiri melalui platform ShareMeAll dan memasukkannya langsung ke dalam ekosistem ShareMeAll. Pengembang yang dapat merancang sistem obrolan untuk berinteraksi satu sama lain dapat menyesuaikan sistem mereka dengan sistem ShareMeAll dan mendapatkan keuntungan dari pendapatan platform.

Gunakan Kasing

Sebagai contoh, John, yang memiliki pengetahuan gitar, dapat mengajar melalui platform ShareMeAll dan menerima token eSwitch sebagai imbalannya. John dapat memperoleh uang secara langsung dengan menjual token atau menggunakannya untuk tujuan lain. Pada waktunya, gitar John sudah usang atau ia ingin mengganti gitarnya dengan model yang lebih baik. Dalam hal ini, John dapat mengakses persyaratan gitar ini dengan memasukkan akun pengguna lain. Jika John tidak memiliki token yang cukup, ia dapat memperoleh lebih banyak token eSwitch dan membeli sesuatu yang lebih berharga dengan apa yang ia hasilkan dengan memproduksi sesuatu di dalam platform dan mendukung platform.

Hasil dari

Merancang platform yang berkelanjutan dan terperinci, ShareMeAll telah menyatukan ekonomi perubahan dengan blockchain dan mengimplementasikan platform yang unik. Proyek ini, yang belum pernah terlihat di dunia uang kripto sebelumnya, dikelola oleh tim yang telah terlibat dalam proyek-proyek terkenal seperti Petchain dan Laneaxis.

Dalam arah vektor apa pun yang dikembangkan manusia, semuanya memiliki hubungan sebab akibat yang konsekuen. Beberapa peristiwa yang menggantikan peristiwa lain memerlukan sejumlah tindakan yang memengaruhi kehidupan kita di masa depan. Tetapi masyarakat kita masih hidup dalam siklus tertentu, segala sesuatu yang dulunya populer atau diminati dikembalikan. Saya pikir Anda telah berulang kali mengalihkan perhatian Anda ke hal ini ketika dinamika ini ditelusuri dalam mode, budaya dan seni, dalam musik, dan memang dalam kebiasaan universal manusia.

Sekarang, di banyak industri, satu kebiasaan masyarakat yang sangat tua dapat dilacak, bagaimana melakukan hubungan antara dua individu dengan barter. Artinya, untuk melakukan pertukaran barang atau jasa apa pun tanpa membebankan biaya. Pertukaran semacam ini menjadi semakin populer di kalangan massa.

Tentang proyek

Proyek yang bermaksud menghidupkan ini disebut ShareMeAll. Tujuan utama ShareMeAll adalah untuk menggabungkan teknologi modern dan tradisi barter kuno ke dalam lingkungan yang harmonis dan tunggal. Dan tentu saja, saya berbicara tentang teknologi blockchain, yang dengan sendirinya dipertajam oleh hubungan yang transparan, aman dan saling percaya antara para peserta dari kedua pihak. Selain itu, informasi yang terkandung dalam sistem tidak mengalami perubahan dan penghapusan lebih lanjut, yang merupakan keuntungan yang sangat diperlukan bagi semua pengguna, karena mereka memiliki peluang unik untuk melacak jalur informasi.

Kata-kata sederhana menggunakan platform ini, Anda dapat membagikan apa saja, dari layanan kecil ke real estat, mobil dan barang-barang lainnya, yang hanya dapat Anda bayangkan.


Dalam bentuk tradisional operasi semacam ini dapat dikenakan dampak negatif. Apa yang saya maksud:
  • Pertama, sebelum melakukan pertukaran dengan orang lain, Anda harus percaya padanya;
  • Kedua, sangat sering, ketika barter orang menghindari formalitas apa pun, mereka membuat kesepakatan hanya berdasarkan perjanjian lisan, yang akibatnya dapat berdampak negatif terhadap hasil kesepakatan itu sendiri;
  • Ketiga, untuk mengimplementasikan barter yang sama, orang perlu bertemu langsung untuk sekali lagi memeriksa dan memastikan bahwa pasangan mereka jujur. Yang pada gilirannya membutuhkan banyak waktu.
  • Setelah mempertimbangkan semua masalah dan nuansa ini, tim spesialis memutuskan untuk menawarkan solusi mereka untuk situasi ini, apalagi, lebih modern, nyaman dan aman.

Fitur Proyek
Akses ke platform seluler hanya dimungkinkan menggunakan token eSwitch® sendiri.

Penting untuk dicatat bahwa token ini terdaftar secara resmi dan merupakan merek dagang di Institut Nasional Properti Industri. Semua ini sekali lagi membuktikan keseriusan niat tim pendiri, untuk memberikan para penggunanya pertukaran yang aman dan tepercaya dalam platform mereka. Dengan demikian meningkatkan kredibilitas cryptocurrency di seluruh dunia.

Informasi ICO

Secara total, pengembang berniat untuk membuat dan mendistribusikan 60 juta token eSwitch® mereka .. Untuk ini, dua tahap penjualan akan dilakukan (pra-penjualan dan ICO). Masing-masing tahap akan memiliki jangka waktu dan harga di mana penjualan token akan dilakukan.
  1. Token: eSwitch
  2. Harga PreICO: 1 eSwitch = 0,5 EUR
  3. Harga: 1 eSwitch = 0,8 EUR
  4. Bonus: Tersedia
  5. Platform: Ethereum
  6. Menerima: BTC, ETH, EUR, USD
  7. Soft cap: 2.000.000 EUR
  8. Hard cap: 7,500,000 EUR
  9. Negara: Perancis
  10. Daftar Putih / KYC: KYC
  11. Area terlarang: Tidak ada

Peta jalan

Sabtu, 02 Maret 2019

ALCEDO - Our customers' ATMs and POS terminals can make calls.

ALCEDO is available for all Crypto calls!

We target your aliens.

ALCEDO system

Work with all ALCEDO system components in the body. All performances can be played.

ALCEDO platform (network)


ALCEDO-Point (trading / trading / exchange) ALCEDO-KATM (cryptographic machine)

ALCEDO - Purse

ALCEDO-POS terminal

Aldeo cards

ALCEDO Platform

The ALCEDO platform includes all the functions and performs all programs. The ALCEDO ecosystem (platform) uses a kind of password, wallet and coin. Learn this technology. We change the focus of the project to the current state of the system.

We offer server automatic sales (bidirectional) of well thought out producers (GeneralBytes, Lamassu). ALCEDO - Integrate and integrate platforms and machines. Manufacturer's independence ALCEDO-K-ATM uses customer claims, does not have an API for purchase and purchase. We provide additional currency by paper currency (euros) and other methods.


Support of the crypto ATM service center is customer support. We offer customers the opportunity to offer vouchers on the web and sell their products. The use of ATM has additional support and deployment and response and all responses.

ALCEDO - Purse

The ALCEDO-Wallet is used to negotiate currency. amazing. We use Bitcoin, Ethereum and ALCEDO-Coin. D. This thing has a very good understanding of our machines and the right platform.

Aldeo cards

The ALCEDO card connects the basic NFC chip to the ALCEDO-ATM and POS terminals. Customers and customers can simply buy or sell. In addition, the spread of alcoholic beverages and supplemental textbooks and allowances.


ALCEDO-CIN ALCEDO is one of the most important elements of the whole project. ICC can be based on ERC-20 Ethereum. Of course, ALCEDO-coin uses ALCEDO - more currencies in other currencies. We will start ALCEDO-Coin in the fall of 2019.

  • Token: ALCEDO-Token
  • Total ALCEDO: Token100 000 000 ALCE
  • Hard cap: 40 000 000 ALCE
  • Project Protocol: ERC20 Token
  • Crowd sales: December 1, 2018
  • Payment methods: BTC, ETH, PayPal

Token allocation

Toby distribution

Al Qaeda - Roadmap

²Q2 / 2017
Alcohol was also born of thought.

Q3 2014
ICO preparation and start

Q1 / 2019
Developing e-mail for encryption

Q4 / 2019 - Q1 / 2020
El-Cash-Terminals distribution and self-encryption - specific cards and connections

Q / 2017 - Q2 / 2018 Thinking skills development

Q4 / 2018
Alento offers solutions.

Q1 / 2019 - Q3 / 2019
Al Qaeda and thinking and production methods.

Q4 / 2019 - First quarter / 2020 franchise started
ALCEDO token structure

Participate in token sales. We are able to settle down with the jungle.



Published by: assyfa
My ETH: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d

ALCEDO creates an ecosystem that implements blockchain technology into everyday life and other crypto currencies widely.

The result is that the blockchain technologies into everyday life are implemented. It makes crypto accessible and usable for everybody around the world. We are aiming for widespread acceptance of ALCEDOs and other crypto-currencies. To achieve our goals, we're starting to build a network of ALCEDO-Points


At every ALCEDO-Point one can buy, sell and exchange currencies (BTC, ALCE, EUR, etc.) with the help of professional consultants.

The ALCEDO-Coin (ALCE) is an important part of our ecosystem, as a means of handling our service fees and rewards program.

Buy, sell, exchange and electronically transmit to and from any crypto currency account.

Investment Plans.
We are expanding our traditional business from Gold-Saving Plans to Crypto-Investment Plans.

It allows customers to quickly and easily buy cryptocurrency at our ALCEDO cash machines and POS-Terminals.

We are also supporting well-known crypto-ATMs and building a network in Germany.

In addition to the crypto ATM's, ALCEDO-Points will help our customers with the help of our service team. We’ll offer our customers the unique opportunity to buy and sell crystals from the outside of internet exiting and with the personal help of our experts. They will also assist in using the ATM and answer all the questions in regards to crypto currencies.

Expanding Alcedo-Points
ALCEDO-Points are available under a franchising system, which will create jobs and a higher acceptance in our society. We, as your future franchisor, will ensure that you receive the best advice, ongoing training and continuous accessibility. The license fees will be paid exclusively with ALCEDO-Coins, which means that the ALCEDO-Coin remains in the company's business cycle.

Investment Plans
We help people to invest safety in crypto currencies and physical gold.
ALCEDO-Cards are the first time with a built-in NFC chip and can be used at our ATMs and our POS-Terminals. This allows customers to quickly and easily buy or sell crypto currencies.

In addition, it promotes the dissemination and acceptance of ALCEDO-Coins and other crypto currencies. No long and cumbersome registration procedures on foreign stock exchanges are necessary. We operate exclusively and completely from Germany.

Our ALCEDO-Card Edition 1 is limited to 1,000 cards, personalized and will be free of charge (worldwide) with the purchase of 10,000 ALCEDO-Coins.

The ALCEDO-Coin is the most important component in the entire project and is designed as ERC-20 Ethereum-based token at the beginning of the ICO. Of course, ALCEDO-Coins can also be used as a currency for their use in the ALCEDO-Ecosystem. We will launch the ALCEDO-Coin in Q-4 2019.

This token will be moved in the course of the development of a separate blockchain, with the same number of coins and existing ALCE tokens are exchanged at a rate of 1: 1.

ALCEDO-Reward System.
Our customers can benefit from the ALCEDO-Ecosystem.To speed up the distribution and the circulation of ALCEDO-Coins, the use of our platform via ALCEDO-Coins is more favorable. However, each customer is free to decide which crypto currency he wants to pay fees.

Special Highlights ALCEDO-Flat.
An important point for the ALCEDO-Platform and ALCEDO-Coins. Every user who has 10 000 ALCE on the ALCEDO-Platform (web-smart-phone-app) will not have to pay any transaction fees when using our services. However, depending on the Coin (except ALCEDO-Coin) a certain network fee remains, which we can not refund. This waiver applies to any service of ALCEDO (including all ALCEDO-ATMs).

The ALCEDO-Wallet drastically simplifies the handling of cryptocurrency on the smartphone. Very simply, one can send and / or receive different coins.

We offer at the start of Bitcoin, Ethereum and the ALCEDO-Coin, but this assortment will be continually expanded. The wallet is designed to work seamlessly with our crypto machines and the ALCEDO-Platform.
For the exchange of Euro in crypto currency, the process is almost identical to the coins, i.e. scanning the QR code and getting coins. The cryptocytes in Germany.

ALCEDO-Wallet is designed by observing the highest safety standards. After downloading and registration, all users of this wallet get 20 ALCEDO-Coins for free.


  • Token: ALCEDO-Token
  • Total ALCEDO-Token: 100 000 000 ALCE
  • Hard-Cap: 40 000 000 ALCE
  • Project-Protoco: first ERC20-Token
  • Crowd-Sale: Dec 01, 2018
  • Means of Payment: BTC, ETH, PayPal
Token Sale Stages:




ALCEDO - Digital Currency

The unique ecosystem that integrates block technology into everyday life. It provides cryptocyurrency and can be used by everyone in the world. To access the ALCEDO platform, only one smartphone and internet access is required. Its mission is to give customers easy access to crypto currencies. Since 2016, we have developed and programmed platforms with database for savings plans, gold and cryptocurrency and have received very good market recognition. We offer interested parties, we are interested in crypto currencies, as a method of payment in the near future, there are smooth and transparent access using the ALCEDO platform. Our forum allows you to pay cash or non-cash, and also supports all major crypto currencies. See:

The ALCEDO platform includes all the functions needed to process cryptocurrency operations. The ALCED ecosystem can handle different types of cryptocurrency, wallet and coins. The ALCEDO team continually improved the system, and exports ATMs from well-known manufacturers (General Cytes, Lamassu). It is possible to integrate crypto machines by integrating ATM into ALCEDO platform. Freedom from the guarantees of efficient and economical ALCEDO business. Using a specially developed connection API, which is different from others, is the latest crypto purchase and sales price in the ALCEDO platform. It is also proposed for exchange cryptocurrency for paper money (for example, euro), and vice versa.

All transactions are recorded in the database on the ALCDODO platform and are available on request. In addition to crypto ATMs, the service points will help ALCEDO customers through the internal service platform. The ALCEDO ecosystem provides unique opportunities with individual support for purchasing and selling outside of the internet market cryptocyurances and with platform support. They will help in using ATMs and will answer all the questions about cryptocyurrency. ALCEDO-Cell smartphones make cryptocurrence processing much simpler. It is easy to send and receive different coins. The initial stage, bitocoines tokens, ETHs, and ALCEDO will be added, but this limitation will be extended from time to time. This wallet is designed to work together with crypto ATMs and ALCEDO platforms. For euro exchange in cryptocurrency, the process is almost always in coins, i.e. scan the QR code and get coins. The mobile app includes a map showing all cryptocurrency ATM locations in Germany.

Alcatel B dumpers are built with the highest safety standards. After downloading and registering, all users of this wallet will receive 10 free ALCEDO coins. The POS-terminals (or the place of sale) acts as intermediary between retailers and customers and provide transactions and purchases on the basis of any cryptency. Most terminals are currently not having an interface to accept cryptocycenes. ALCEDO provides a new solution with high-quality POS terminals that can connect and interact with the platform. With that POS terminal, customers will be able to pay for their purchases with cryptourrency. Terminals will handle crypto currencies, as well as regular, secure and secure customer cards. The trader will pay the amount to the trader, either in cryptocurrence or selected Fiat currency (Euros) directly into the seller's account using the integration with the ALCEDO platform. These terminals are still being developed, but they will be in the market soon. ALCEDO Coins are designed as ERC-20 on Blockchen Etherium. Every user with 10,000 ALCE while using the platform. ALCEDO Coins are designed as ERC-20 on Blockchen Etherium. Every user with 10,000 ALCE while using the platform. ALCEDO Coins are designed as ERC-20 on Blockchen Etherium. Every user with 10,000 ALCE while using the platform.


  • ALCE PRECO price: 1 ALCE = 0.2 EUR
  • Price: 1 ALCE = 0.4 EUR
  • Payment received: ETH, BTC, Fiat
  • Minimum investment: 50 EUR
  • Soft Cap: 100 000 EUR
  • Hard Cap: 16 000 000 EUR
  • German
  • Whitelist / KYC: Yes
  • Forbidden Regions: America, Afghanistan, China


As a result, I saw projects that were well thought out with aggressive ambitions and every opportunity to feel them!
This project has been implemented very simply and there are very big tasks and good ideas to solve many problems at the same time!
Most of the projects have very good rankings on lists, and it is fair, almost unique ideas and professional applications.
The project team does everything in its power to support and improve the project. She likes to answer all the questions of community and investors. And most important, it will not disappear after the ICO! And this is very important in our day. As I said, projects estimate are very high, and they are not given by ordinary people, but by professionals! I advise you to study this project in more detail, I have a lot of potential in it!
I am very glad that you have read up to the end, and that means you like my review and the project. I want to achieve this by working on this review. I try to understand all the information collected at least and the simpler form, which is the appointment!
Thank you very much for being with me.

I hope that you will find many investors !!!



Published by: assyfa
My ETH: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d

ALCEDO | Cryptocurrency ATMs in all regions based on blockchain technology

Greetings friends! Meet me again and always look for projects that are interested in you, are the most likely and highly thought-provoking.

The blockchain industry today is in the early stages of its formation. Many people are still skeptical about this technology and don't believe in its success in the future. Here we can draw the Blockchain technology and the invention of the Internet. From the words of important figures in 1995, none of the computer networks are not supposed to be alive, the Internet was considered an unnecessary toy. Now we see how these same people predict the collapse of technology can not live a day without the Internet. In General, history repeats itself.

According to some analysts, the Blockchain technology in the near future is able to completely change the picture of the world, leading to the collapse of the fundamental layers of the outdated system. Therefore, the blockchain on its way of development meets strong resistance in the face of banks and other monopolistic structures that do not want to give the reins of government.

For example, in the entire today the territory of the Russian Federation there are only 51 working cryptocurrency ATMs.
Over the past few months, almost a third of ATMs have been seized. All this with the filing of the Central Bank, which is very tightly regulating the financial activities related to cryptocurrency payments. 22 cryptocurrencies were confiscated in September 2018. The same policy is followed today by many countries. In addition, global tokenization requires convenient and new technologies that allow each person on earth to exchange and pay in cryptocurrency in a couple of clicks.

People may be ready for total cryptocurrency expansion, but they don't study new technologies, many different carry out movements associated with the transfer of Fiat to cryptocurrency. After all, today crypto enthusiasts have to go through all the circles of hell before they can start trading digital assets. First you need to register a wallet, but not one, but 10 pieces, each blockchain your wallet. Then you need to write down all of these passwords, make sure that you don't get it, then pass verification on the exchanges, confirm your help, put a two-factor, then still sit to understand. the incomprehensible interface of these exchanges, sell, withdraw funds back to the plastic card through exchangers. In addition, the Commission on transactions with cryptocurrency is sometimes huge. And you will soon get a whole chain of actions, the desire to do it disappears instantly. All these problems caused the creation of the Alcedo project.

ALCEDO is registered in Germany, the main mission of the project is to provide easy and fast access to all transactions related to digital assets.
The ecosystem of the project will combine 6 main components interacting with each other. All these unique developments are at maximum convenience and speed when performing operations.

Wallet, the functionality of which allows you to make both storage and transfer, and purchase and sale of your digital assets;
ATMS. ALCEDO creates the best ATMs, which provide its customers with the most favorable conditions for withdrawal and exchange, as well as a wide range of other services;
Plastic card. All the ALCEDO holders are easy and fast cash digital assets;

ALCEDO coin (ALCE). Tokens ecosystem for the processing of transactions on the platform;
ALCEDO - point. Thanks to this tool, users will be able to exchange coins for any other cryptocurrency;
Investment plan. This plan will allow the team to constantly improve their products, converting new market segments and penetrating into the real sectors of the economy.

Unlike the competitors with their 4%, ALCEDO does not charge a fee for making the transaction. In addition, with a special API connection, Alcedo ATMs will be able to monitor the current rates of real assets and exchange them for Fiat funds.
In addition to investments in cryptocurrencies, ALCEDOs specialize in physical gold investments, which can be of interest to investors who can use the experience of ALCEDO.

ALCEDO project is quite interesting, has high ratings, highly qualified team and good chances for global scalability around the world. All these are innovative methods and technical developments that can make a difference in the currency community, investments in crypto-currency a popular, easy and safe activity for everyone. ALCEDO will help to introduce cryptocurrencies into the everyday life and unite of the Blockchain with all other segments of the economy.



Published by: assyfa
My ETH: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d

LUCRE ICO - Algorithmic Trading Platform for Cryptocurrencies

LUCRE is an exclusive automated trading system & signal service for cryptocurrencies, created to perform the strategy of just holding cryptocurrencies. It is developed by a team with 8 years of algorithmic trading experience. Holding a Cryptocurrency has been the best way to increase your wealth lately. LUCRE algorithm was build on a philosophy - Don't HODL; Trade! allow trading both ways long and short. The great appeal of this project is the ability to generate revenues in all market conditions, buying and selling at every perceived opportunity. Even when the market is going south the algorithm of attempts to make profits is shorting it. Lucre Trading Algo will run on a Metatrader trading platform. Token sale participants will get LCR tokens which will track the performance of the Algo. The price of the underlying assets is traded by the Algo.

Lucre ICO (LCR Token): Crypto Coin Backed By Algorithmic Performance To Trade Or Hodl

Hasil gambar untuk lucre ico
What Is Lucre?

The service serves as a platform that is currently backed by algorithmic trading performance. Powered by blockchain technology, the platform currently serves as an automated signal and trading system service for the crypto universe. The platform was created with the aim of outperforming the crypto holding strategy.

The development team has a combined total of eight years dealing with algorithmic trading experiences. The reason for this is that the holding cryptocurrencies have been proven to be the worst possible way to use it in trying to increase your wealth. The philosophy behind the platform is not to HODL, but to trade instead.

Lucre Crypto Coin Backed By Algorithmic Performance Features

Trading on the platform allows both long and short-term trades. One of its biggest appealing strategies is its ability to create revenue, regardless of the prevailing market conditions. This means that traders will be in a position to buy and sell, regardless of the opportunities that are prevailing in that market. Its top features include:

Signal Service

Traders get to receive high-quality close / sell / buy alerts. They also get exclusive seventy-five percent trading accuracy. This means that they can use these signals to trade with a broker they prefer.

Automated Trading

Hasil gambar untuk lucre ico

The platform has a fully automated trading system that is compatible with all Forex CFD brokers and cryptocurrency exchanges. You can use your LUCRE account to connect with these exchanges and move your money seamlessly without any worry.

Trading Pool

All the LUCRE (LCR) tokens that got deposited into the trading pool were managed by the platform algorithm. The trading team will also assist in the management of these tokens.

Lucre LCR ICO Details Token

Parameters Of The ICO
Total Token supply: 12 500 000 LCR
Available for Purchase: 10 000 000 LCR
Token Type: ERC20, Ethereum Blockchain
Minimum Raise: $ 2 000 000
Maximum Raise: $ 7 000 000

LCR tokens provide premium membership and limited access passes. Once you have these tokens, you can get earn several options combining money.

LCR is an ERC20 token based upon the Ethereum blockchain. Operating on the blockchain allows global accessibility, 24/7 trading, transparency, public verification of LUCRE's trading performance. The tokens value is linked directly to the underlying cryptocurrency trading performance.

A public Token sale event will be held from the 15th of October to the 28th of February 2019. LUCRE will use the Token sale contributions to trade currencies starting Q2 2019 and Q2 2019.

More Info about LUCRE

Hasil gambar untuk lucre ico

White Paper:

published by: assyfa
My ETH: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d


LUCRE is an exclusive automated trading system for cryptocurrencies. It was developed by a team with 8 years experience in algorithmic trading. Cryptocurrency is not the best way to increase your wealth lately. The LUCRE algorithm was based on non-HODL philosophy; Deal! allow you to trade in both directions long and short. The big attraction of this project is the ability to earn income in all market conditions, to buy and sell with each perceived opportunity. Even when the market goes south, the algorithm tries to make profit, shorting it.

Lucre Trading Algo will operate on the Metatrader trading platform. Participants in the sale of tokens will receive LCR tokens that will track the performance of Algo. The price will be updated regularly to accurately reflect the value of the core assets of the Algo sell. The participant can trade on exchanges that will list the LCR tokens.

The means of selling a token will be used for two main purposes:

Finish the development of LUCRE Trading Algo (full testing, adding different cryptograms, performance optimization, also implementing automated trading with different APIs of crypto brokers when they are available and stable).

Use 40% of tokens for sale funds to trade crystals with brokers and share profits with participants' tokens. The small shoulder will be used a maximum of 3 times. The trade will be carried out in both directions for a long time and a short time, depending on the direction of the market detected by LUCRE Algo. Each order has been ordered.

With a down payment you will receive LCR services that provide premium membership and limited access to the service. When you have these tokens, you can find the various options described in detail below. Tokens can also be sold to another member. With LUCRE, the tokens are not required to make additional funds, as they can profit from the initial participation with the benefits of the algorithm. At the same time, participants could use their funds to conduct additional trades on LUCRE trading signals. This way you can increase your profitability. You can choose from the following options or combine them to optimize your income.

The price for the initial payment is made according to the algorithm in the Trading Pool.

Use signals for trading: you will receive BUY SELL signals for Cryptocurrencies, which you can use for trading with your broker manual.

Use the LATRE Autotrading service. Users can use some of the funds using the Autotrade algorithm, with all the benefits directly transferred to participants.

The only chance to acquire a token after the sale of LUCRE will be a stock exchange with participants in the sale of tokens. If Algo succeeds, it will increase the interest in purchasing and, consequently, lead to higher prices for LCR tokens.


Based on 8 years of experience in Forex Trading Algorithm, we saw that interest could be increased if the algorithm worked well and would be involved in the project.

LUCRE is an exclusive platform, because there are access to algorithmic signals and autotracing are limited, and this is controlled by the number of tokens. If you want to receive signals or use Autotrading, and you don't participate in the Token sale event, you will need to buy tokens from the original participants.

The trading algorithm will take long and short positions on both the bull and bear markets, thus diversifying and optimizing the performance of the portfolio. As a participant in the sale of tokens, you can decide to get money by selling services, since the advantages of exclusive services and the results of trading should be a permanent profit that tracks the effectiveness of the trading word.


The installment will be converted to the US dollar after the completion of the Token sale event and the transferred trading account, where the bidding will be executed. Restraining derivative assets have no security. LUCRE Trading is 100% automated. A full list of used brokers will be available on our website when trading begins. Additional checks will be added during the check.


The LUCRE team will invest a significant time and effort in marketing the marketing of Tok Token, targeting participants in traditional financial sectors, through the production of information sheets, explanatory videos and planning documents that are easy to understand. LUCRE will focus on marketing exclusively on unregulated markets. No promotion or invitation will be held where participation is prohibited or not in order to remain in accordance with local law.

Road map:

Detailed information:

White Paper:

published by: assyfa
My ETH: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d