- SOREX will ship SRX Tokens on 21.04.2022 on 4 significant blockchains simultaneously — ETH, BSC, AVAX and FTM
- Complete Supply — 1,500,000 SRX
- Blockchain — ETH, BSC, AVAX, FTM
- SRX Token Launch — 21.04.2022
- SRX List Price — $1.00
- Multiple Options — 28.02.2022
- "PLAN" Venture Program — 28.02.2022
- SRX Pre-shipping Staking — 03.03.2022
- NFT Loans - 10.03.2022
triple A
Jumat, 25 Maret 2022
SOREX uses the PLAN framework for all types of finance
Rabu, 16 Maret 2022
OILZ Finance
I want to discuss for a unique and transparent Defi project called efun. #$OILZ FINANCE This Project is Real 100%
This project is managed by a trusted manager on the bitcointalk.org forum. most of the projects he manages are always successful in the cryptoqurrency market and this is one of the reasons why I am very actively following the projects he manages.
I am very happy to be able to take part in the #$OILZ FINANCE project. I believe that this project will result in a redistribution of wealth for its investors… and thank you again for this opportunity Murat
Before I start, I will explain first about blockchain and after that about the #$OILZ FINANCE project.
ABOUT $OILZ FINANCEOilz.Finance is transforming DeFi space through its unique Oilz Auto-Staking protocol (OAP) that delivers the industry's highest fixed APY up to 498.249%, rebasing rewards directly into your wallet every 15 minutesUsing the simple buy — hold — earn system and a sustainable fixed compound interest model, Oilz. Finance grows fast and easily your tokens without moving your assets from your wallet
Audit Whitepaper
- All OilZ holders are rewarded with automatic compound interest which is paid every 15 minutesʼʼ
- How much can I earn?
- At the end of the year and with $1,000 USD of $OILZ invested.
- You can earn up to
- 498,249,000 USD
- of $OILZ at 498.249% APY*
- *Earnings are calculated in a scenario where the SAP sustains the rebase interest for 365 days.
- Launch OILZ App
OILZ Token
$OILZ is the native token which interest rebase rewards are paid. Every token holder automatically receives 0.0243% interest every 15 minutes just for holding $OILZ tokens in their own wallet!
Paying Auto-Staking and Auto-Compounding Protocol with the highest fixed APY of 498.249% in the crypto space.
Interest rewards are compounded every 15 minutes for every BSC wallet holding any $OILZ tokens
OILZ Insurance Fund Valuation (IFV)
4% of all trading fees are stored in the Oilz.Finance Insurance Fund which helps sustain and back the staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk
OILZ Treasury
The treasury functions as additional financial support for the IFV in the event of an extreme price drop of the $OILZ token or unforeseen black swan event.
It helps to establish a floor value for the $OILZ token. Oilz Treasury provides funding to the new OilZ.Finance products, projects, and marketing activities
The Defenders
3% of all $OILZ traded are burnt in The Defenders.
The more that is traded, the more get put into the fire causing the fire pit to grow in size, larger and larger through self fulfilling Auto-Compounding, reducing the circulating supply and keeping the OilZ protocol stable
Insurance Fund Valuation (IFV)
Keeps Holders Protect by:
- Achieving the long-term sustainability and future growth of the OilZ Protocol
- Greatly reducing the extreme price drop of the $OILZ token
- Avoiding flash crash through price stability
How It Works
4% of all trading fees are stored in the OilZ Insurance Fund which helps sustain and back the staking rewards provided by the positive rebase
The Defenders
Burns Token Supply to:
- Prevent circulating supply getting out of hand and becoming unmanageable.
- Offset positive rebase interest printing.
How It Works
3% of all $OILZ traded are burnt in The Defenders
The more that is traded, the more get put into the fire causing the fire pit to grow in size, larger and larger through self fulfilling Auto-Compounding, reducing the circulating supply and keeping the OilZ protocol stable
The OilZ.Finance Platform Dashboard
Updates and Improvements Defi 2.0
Is $OILZ Audited?
How to Stake?
How do I get my Rebase rewards?
Where can I buy $OILZ tokens?
What is the slippage for the trade?
Is there a Max Supply of $OILZ?
When does the Rebase occur?
How are we handling inflation?
For information :
Website: https://oilz.finance/
Telegram ann: https://t.me/OilZFinanceAnn
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/OilzFinance
Telegram chat: https://t.me/OilZFinanceChat
Selasa, 15 Maret 2022
Senin, 07 Februari 2022
Selasa, 18 Januari 2022
Ulasan Proyek XBTC2
Pengantar Btсоіn 2.0 (XBTC2)
Btсоіn 2.0 adalah Crурtосurren baru yang ingin berinovasi dalam Sistem Pembayaran Global. Bitcoin 2.0 dirancang untuk tetap melakukan itu tetapi merupakan item pernyataan yang lebih cepat dan diperbarui. Itu juga dibuat untuk membantu mengalahkan media arus utama dengan mendukung alternatif yang independen dan cara-cara baru yang konservatif. Dalam melakukannya, mengungkapkan kebenaran tentang dunia maya yang menggunakan media arus utama untuk menipu dan menyesatkan publik.
Tim dari investor bitcoin tahap awal yang sukses mencari Cryptocurrency berikutnya dan tim pengembangan yang mengembangkan beberapa Cryptocurrency. Bitcoin 2.0 mirip dengan Bitcoin dengan beberapa perbedaan penting yang halus dan sederhana. Pertama, jika Bitcoin dimulai sekarang, kemungkinan besar akan menggunakan jaringan Ethereum pelanggan yang telah digunakan Bitcoin 2.0. Sementara Bitcoin telah lama dominan di kancah mata uang kripto, itu tentu tidak sendirian.
Sistem pembayaran masa depan didukung oleh aset nyata. Bitcoin2.0 adalah Cryptocurrency baru yang mirip dengan bitcoin, namun didukung oleh platform teknologi blockchain yang jauh lebih unggul serta sistem pembayaran yang hampir instan yang akan memungkinkan transaksi secepat Visa. Ini akan menjadi biaya yang jauh lebih rendah untuk pedagang kami daripada Bitcoin. Ini berarti bahwa Bitcoin2.0 adalah mata uang yang lebih stabil tidak seperti Bitcoin, yang mengalami volatilitas tinggi, dan menjadikannya sistem pembayaran yang lebih cocok untuk digunakan dalam jangka panjang. Juga di masa depan, pengguna Bitcoin2.0 dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk salah satu kartu debit bermerek kami untuk membuat konversi antara crypto dan fiat mulus dan kemudahan penggunaan untuk melakukan pembelian sehari-hari. Mata uang digital yang dapat digunakan orang sehari-hari setiap hari.
Untuk keuntungan inilah Bitcoin 2.0 memilih untuk menggunakan pemblokiran Ethereum untuk Cryptocurrency-nya. Namun keberhasilan Butоіn's telah menyebabkannya digunakan lebih sedikit untuk apa itu dirancang. saya. itu sebagai item pernyataan. Karena volatilitasnya, banyak yang tidak menggunakannya untuk membeli barang tetapi lebih sebagai penyimpan kekayaan seperti Emas.
Bagaimana? Idealnya jangka panjang lebih aman untuk diinvestasikan
Banyak calon investor dan pengguna Cryptocurrency tetap berada di sela-sela karena mereka tidak mengerti mengapa "Bitcoin" tidak dapat didukung oleh apa pun namun terus meningkat sehingga banyak yang berpikir ini adalah gelembung sementara. Namun banyak yang ingin berinvestasi dalam Cryptocurrency seperti Bitcoin tetapi didukung oleh nilai nyata. Ini memberi mereka lebih banyak keamanan dan kepercayaan diri dan akan membantu menarik lebih banyak pengguna ke Cryptocurrency yang menolak untuk berpartisipasi.
Bitcoin 2.0 bertahan dari kehancuran gaya dot com yang tak terhindarkan yang pada akhirnya mungkin terjadi dengan Crурtосurrеnсу bоm yang berarti mereka yang memiliki adopsi bisnis jangka panjang atau banyak pengembang yang bertahan.
Mitra yang ada sudah mendaftar untuk menggunakan Bitcoin 2.0 sebagai sistem pelaporan. Ini saja menciptakan permintaan untuk puluhan juta pembelian Bit 2,0 setiap tahun. Btсоіn 2.0 akan menargetkan organisasi dengan skala besar atau jaringan distributor untuk memanfaatkan Cryptocurrency untuk mengatakan sebagian dari jaringannya. Banyak orang yang ingin terlibat dalam industri Cryptocurrency dan ini adalah salah satu cara mereka dapat meningkatkan pendapatan besar dari tim mereka tanpa adanya peningkatan permintaan dan harga Bitcoin 2.0 (terutama pengguna).
Penawaran Koin Instal (ICO)
Nama: Butоіn 2.0
Suррlу: 200.000.000
Platform: Ethereum
Kategori: Pembayaran
Harga ICO: $0,20 untuk setiap pembelian
Nilai ICO Total: $40.000.000
Pendanaan Bibit
Butоіn 2.0 berencana untuk menyala pada tahun 2021 dengan harga $0,20 (harga yang tepat dapat berubah). Ada beberapa penjualan pribadi kecil dari Btсоіn 2.0 yang mungkin terjadi sebelum berasal dari Bitcoin 2.0 Foundation membeli kembali beberapa оіn asli. Jika tidak, hanya tersedia di ICO atau setelah itu terdaftar atau memberikan donasi sebesar $500 atau lebih ke Mitra Obat Independen kami yang mencakup
Alokasi Token
Alokasi % Total Tokenѕ
Putaran Pasar Terbuka, Pra-Penjualan & Benih 25% 50M
Staf Administrasi Pengembang 10% 20M
Penasihat & Investor Pendiri 12,5% 25M
Butir dan Butir 2.0 Fondasi 15% 30M
Yayasan Solusi Dunia 7,5% 15M
Program Mitra Medа Independen 25% 50jt
Mitra Chart 2,5% 5M
Dana Kelembagaan dan Lindung Nilai 2,5% 5M
Bitcoin 2.0 Token adalah token yang berguna. рrоduсt Thіѕ bukan dіgіtаl сurrеnсу, ѕесurіtу, соmmоdіtу, atau kіnd lainnya dari instrumen keuangan dan hаѕ nоt bееn rеgіѕtеrеd undеr yang Sесurіtіеѕ Aсt, thе ѕесurіtіеѕ lаwѕ оf apapun ѕtаtе Of The Unіtеd Stаtеѕ оr thе undang-undang sekuritas оf negara оthеr, іnсludіng thе hukum sekuritas dari setiap yurisdiksi di mana pemegang token potensial adalah penduduk.
Situs web: https://bitcoin20.org/
Telegram: https://t.me/bitcoin2XBTC2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bitcoin2Cryptocurrency
#XBTC2 #Bitcoin20 #NewCryptocurrency #Bitcoin2 #aladd1ncenter #Bounty #Azbit
Penulis: assyfa
Wallet: 0xae81a4c5068cdd20be9324383830361e2aad5919
Btt: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1348503
Rabu, 05 Januari 2022
Quarashi Network
An exchange platform in the crypto industry usually does not have complete features, on the Quarashi Network platform it offers financial decentralization, multi-wallet, private conversations between professional and individual investors, decentralized exchange with hundreds of cryptocurrencies and there is an opportunity to participate in the upcoming IDO project. launch. As far as I know, it seems that only Quarashi Network has complete features to provide maximum service to its users. The concept given by Quarashi Network is to create a smart platform to provide a space for strategy discussion for both personal and professional investors. Not only that, the user has full control over the wallet that we have. What other features are really amazing again I will try to discuss it.
Since it is an all-inclusive network, its function is not just a wallet. Other elements of the ecosystem include private chat, multiple crypto exchanges, Airdrops, VPN.

Quarashi also has some products in the works. VPN + Browser feature allows you to stay safe and private while accessing international markets. This makes it difficult for traders to intercept and protects against phishing attacks. A VPN acts as a barrier against malware and viruses.
Launchpad offers a premium level of transparency and multi-chain compatibility. The platform provides early access to all new cryptocurrency projects.
Airdrop feature provides a clean interface and instant notifications. The entire network ecosystem is powered by the Quarashi Network Utility Token (QUA). QUA provides a simple and secure payment method with low liquidity risk.
More than just a chat app, more than a cryptocurrency wallet
As already mentioned, Quarashi provides a decentralized, community-driven chat app. Many chat apps claim to provide personal information, but they still ask for it. Quarashi does not ask for personal information. For maximum anonymity, no phone number, email address or location is required. You can also be sure that you are untraceable.
It does end-to-end encryption, but goes one step further to ensure data privacy and security. There are no ads in the app, so no ads or trackers will track your information.
The chat app has an auto-destroy option that causes messages to be deleted after a period of time.
Messaging history is hidden, so there is no chance that third parties will have access to your messages.
In an era where people love to take screenshots and data privacy can be compromised, Quarashi offers a secure screen that can't be captured.
The best part is that the app can act as an offline wallet and you don't necessarily need a sim.
Unique and fully decentralized cryptocurrency wallet
Most wallets focus only on the main function of trading and storing crypto assets. Quarashi is privacy oriented, so you can be sure that no third party will track your transactions.
Quarashi multi-crypto wallet can support up to 9000 digital currencies. Complete Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain Network. Each asset does not have to have a different wallet. It has a unique interface that allows users to perform transactions using text addresses or QR codes.
Your private key is stored securely on the blockchain, but you can always bring it to a non-custodial wallet such as Metamask or Trust Wallet when needed. The platform gives you full control over your assets. It can be tracked using graphical analytics charts that update in real time according to the market.

Also, joining the Quarashi family can help you join our loyalty program. In this program, you earn 3% commission for every referral you make. Right now, the Quarashi ICO is getting closer. There is an opportunity to participate in the pre-sale. The pre-sale continues through August. You can sell up to 28,000,000 pieces.
Token Distribution
- Seed Round: 2.2%
- Personal Sales: 2.8%
- Public sales: 35%
- Liquidity: 10%
- Team: 12%
- Marketing: 18%
- Reserve: 5%
- Development: 15%
Web: https://quarashi.network/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/QuarashiN/media
Telegram: https://t.me/quarashinetworkofficial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Quarashi-Network-10147861549502
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/73241267
Senin, 03 Januari 2022
FRX - Decentralized token
FRX is the result of extensive research into how to increase alpha generation and hedge fund involvement. This methodical approach has resulted in the creation of the world’s first decentralized hedge fund token, which combines a hedge fund’s broad alpha generating potential with the freedoms provided by a dynamic DeFi ecosystem.
FRX is a hedge fund token that allows you to share in the benefits of our diversified alpha generation capabilities, which span various strategies and market sectors. While FRX’s alpha production capabilities have made it incredibly liquid, it also retains the flexibility of a hedge fund to improve performance over time by implementing new trading methods.
FRX is a DeFi token with an alpha generation method that combines the best of classic hedge fund and DeFi tactics into one token. You can put your money into global macro or systematic trading techniques, as well as fundamental financial research, with FRX.

FRX (FRX) is the first DeFi hedge fund token, providing access to a portfolio of digital assets that have been purposefully designed to be high-risk/high-reward; the FRX portfolio seeks to yield 400%+ upside. The token has been built with a high degree of flexibility and liquidity (note that there are no “locking periods”), allowing traders and holders to add and withdraw liquidity on the fly while trading between crypto and fiat currencies.
Our goal is to avoid segregating investors so that everyone in our community can connect freely. We believe this is significant because it will help us achieve our goal of increasing cryptocurrency understanding, development, and adoption among traders around the world.
One of the benefits of FRX is that it can be withdrawn and traded for any token or ETH on any decentralized exchange (such as 0x and Kyber Network). Traders can communicate with FRX more directly and quickly than they can with other hedge funds, providing them more freedom to trade in the most profitable way at any given time.
Our goal is to make trading more accessible than ever before by lowering the entry barrier. FRX’s flexibility and liquidity, as well as its backtesting features, are popular among traders.
With minimal trading costs, trade FRX on Binance, LATOKEN, and Kyber Network.
The way traders hedge their portfolios is changing thanks to us. There are a few key issues with today’s crypto infrastructure: MN and FRX aren’t listed on any exchanges, and MN and FRX aren’t listed on any exchanges. After an exchange listing, liquidity drops immediately. There is a lack of effective governance, resulting in a lack of transparency in algos and pricing.
You are entitled to global alpha access.
FRX is the world’s first decentralized hedge fund token, integrating the broad alpha creation capabilities of a hedge fund with the freedoms provided by a dynamic DeFi ecosystem.
Traders adore FRX’s flexibility and liquidity, which provides low-cost access to an infinite number of funds, all of which are managed by best-in-class algorithms.
A 25-year-old hedge fund will be exchanged as a token on a decentralized exchange with smart contracts, offering liquidity for traders unlike any other asset in the DeFi ecosystem. This whitepaper will examine the capabilities that distinguish FRX in today’s market and demonstrate why FRX is the most powerful of all DeFi technologies.
FRX is the first decentralized hedge fund token in the world, allowing traders to get quick derivatives and loans in exchange for their FRX tokens. As a result, traders may expect FRX to be quite liquid, which is not the case with the majority of other cryptocurrencies.


More Details:
Website: http://feroxadvisors.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/feroxadvisors
Telegram: https://t.me/FRXalpha
Medium: https://frx.medium.com/
Github: https://github.com/opentron/opentron
author: assyfa
Minggu, 02 Januari 2022
Token durch kompetentes Gameplay und Beitrag zum System
- Name: Metakings-Token
- Symbol: MTK
- Dezimalstellen: 18
- Netzwerk: Binance Smart Chain
- Gesamtangebot:
Jumat, 31 Desember 2021
Metakings bertujuan untuk menjadi game BSC 1
Tentang metode
Metaking bisa menjadi dunia pertempuran terkomputerisasi di mana siapa pun bisa mendapatkan token melalui gameplay yang terampil dan kontribusi ke sistem. Pemain dapat berinteraksi dalam pertempuran, membeli sumber daya, memperluas karakter mereka, dan membangun kerajaan berbasis darat untuk mereka.
Pengembang pihak ketiga dapat langsung mengakses semua sumber daya seni dan informasi genetik dari metakings untuk membuat alat dan pengalaman mereka sendiri dalam metaverses of mekings.
Sementara kami cenderung mengukur pada tahap awal pengembangan, Metakings bertujuan untuk menjadi game BSC 1 dalam hal pemain aktif harian, mingguan, dan bulanan.
Meskipun Metakings bisa menjadi permainan yang menyenangkan, itu telah berkembang menjadi jejaring sosial dan platform pekerjaan karena komunitas yang tangguh dan potensi penghasilan yang berasal dari kualitas awalnya. Misi Metaking
Metaking dikembangkan sebagai metode | Teknologi untuk membawa teknologi blockchain lebih dekat ke masyarakat umum dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan mendidik. Beberapa anggota tim instalasi bertemu saat menghadiri Decentraland ($MANA), pertemuan pertama mereka dengan teknologi blockchain untuk fungsi di luar spekulasi murni. Mereka dengan cepat mulai mengembangkan metode untuk membawa teknologi blockchain ke miliaran gamer.
Apa itu Metanake?
Metakings AI diselenggarakan sebagai gelar associate dalam dunia perang digital yang terus berkembang. Tim inti di Metakings dapat bekerja sama dengan komunitas untuk mengembangkan kepraktisan fasilitas olahraga yang terkait dengan Metakings secara keseluruhan. di atas segalanya, dunia metaking harus menyenangkan; Hanya pengalaman bermain yang menarik yang akan menarik cukup banyak pemain untuk menjadi nilai bagi jaringan.
Rabu, 29 Desember 2021
Magic Trading Token
- 249.500.000 MTK
- Penjualan MTK Mulai:
- Oktober 2021
- Jumlah token yang ditukarkan melalui program rujukan:
- 17.465.000 MTK
- Pembayaran dividen kepada pemilik MTK:
- 2 kali setahun
- Jumlah token untuk hak suara pada rapat pemegang saham:
- 0,05% MTK
- Februari 2021 : Pengembangan rencana tokenisasi aset platform Magic Trading
- Maret 2021: Menandatangani dokumen resmi dengan pengembang
- Mei 2021 : Pengembangan platform MTK
- Juni 2021 : Pengesahan STO. Memperoleh lisensi dan dokumen yang diperlukan untuk kegiatan tersebut.
- Juli 2021 : Peluncuran platform MTK
- Agustus 2021: Mempersiapkan distribusi token secara bertahap
- September 2021 : Penyelesaian proses persiapan peluncuran Token MTK.
- Oktober 2021 : Penjualan publik Token MTK
- November 2021 : Daftar token di bursa publik
- Desember 2021: Distribusi penuh token
- Maret 2022 : Pertemuan triwulanan pertama perusahaan saham gabungan MTK
Minggu, 26 Desember 2021
Spyrit, decentralized crypto exchange with polygon

The crypto industry offers many investment options, from day trading to HODLing and yield farming, the list goes on. However, finding the best opportunity and leveraging it is quite a challenge since there are over 6,000 cryptocurrency projects in existence.
Spyrit claims to be different, none has offered the opportunity for crypto enthusiasts to indirectly invest in startups by just purchasing a coin or token.
Dba is an amazing project and it's so obvious that they prioritize the security and transparency of this project. Their community is getting bigger and bigger everyday. everyone to join and follow the development.
About of spyrit:
Spyrit the new decentralized exchange in 2021, and this is very good project for us.
Also SpyritCoin is a deflationary utility token built on the Polygon network developed with two economical protocols; Reoccurring Tax Back to Investors, and Liquidity Acquisition. The spyrit token industry is ready for it's rebirth but the industry still faces a key issue which is trading liquidity due to the lack of licenses and market. It is easy to use for traders and very simple dissing
Why use spyrit?
Everyone should spyrit exchange because it is ver simple to use,just connect your address via metamask and swap your favorite token.also it is Fast Transaction Swaps. Yield farming and Token & NFT Staking. Spyrit Swap is a globally distributed organization with a diverse team working together across multiple countries and still growing
The team behind spyrit have built over 15+ companies between the team members and have vast experience across the capital markets and the blockchain chain space. Also everyone can trade any token with 0% Commission who early holder of spyrit exchange. The utility for SpyritCoin will be used within the platform built around SPYRIT. The platform has protocols that allow users to trade with fast transaction speeds, auto command staking, high yield farming, and continuous NFT staking.
Spyrit tokenomics:
Spyrit the native token of spyrit exchange that use for ecosystem spyrit token use many options
High - liquidity provide and earn lepaa token by farming with 120℅ apy in all time also lepa token use hyper deflation Each swap burns $ spyrit token, that ensures continuous scarcity. Also everyone can stake spyrit token earn massive benefit of releasing platform. Lepasa is the crosschain based token so everyone should be able to bridge lepa eth bsc, heco, etc and more coming very soon
Token Name : SpyritCoin
Network : POLYGON
Supply : 5 BILLION
Charges : 10%
Auto Liquidity : 5%
Dividend : 5%
Q3 2021
Make Website and Social Profiles
Send Token Smart Contract
Distribute Whitepaper V1
Send ICO Smart Contract
Q4 2021
Foster dApp
Foster Staking and Farming Protocols
Foster NFT Staking Protocol
Review and KYC
Send Presale Smart Contract
Showcasing and Advertising Campaigns
Q1 2022
Public Launch
Procure Partnerships
Coin Listing Sites
Make NFT Collection
Foster Cross Chain DEX
Q2 2022
Make Game Blueprints
Foster Spyrit Chain Network
Foster Cross Chain Bridge
#polygon #crypto #matic #spyrit
Website : https://spyritcoin.io/
Whitepaper : https://github.com/spyritcoin/SPYRIT-Paper/blob/main/SPYRIT%20PAPER.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/spyritcoin
Telegram : https://t.me/spyritcoin
GitHub : https://github.com/spyritcoin
Discord : https://discord.com/invite/xzyeMr3Rbb
Author : assyfa
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile